Glazed- Kid
Glazed kid, high valued, compact bookbinding leather made from young goatskins and a given smooth, not- too bright glazed finish with finest grain appearance.
Attractive and economical article for all flexible bindings, fulfil all technical bookbinding needs regarding paring and tooling thickness: 0,5 - 0,6mm.
The glazing allow a glossy surface upon leather by drawing traditionally a glass, or agate- cylinder rapidly across the suitability seasoned surface and pressure up to five running directions on dry- tanned goat- kind skins.
According to this specific treatment such leathers have a brilliant shine and may fulfill specific demands as book- labeling (title) leather in outstanding colors.
Firma Franz Hoffmann - Feinleder
Bucheinbandleder, Objektleder - Echte Hautpergamente
Bucheinbandleder, Objektleder - Echte Hautpergamente